about me.

Finished my under-grad in Instrumentation and Control Engineering from Manipal Institute of Technology. Dabble in data science. My interests include analytics in sports and reading. Seeking an opportunity in an organization that will push my boundaries while nurturing analytical and technical skills.

Downlaod Resume


Manipal Institute of Technology
⇒ Bachelor of Technology in Instrumentation And Control Engineering
⇒ Minor in Data Science
⇒ 2017 - 2021

Subjects studied in the course cover various topics such as electrical, electronics, instrumentation, automation and control. Minor in Data Science covers the concepts and tools needed thorughout the entire data science pipeline, from asking the right kinds of questions to making inferences and publishing results.

experience and projects.

IoT Intern

Built IoT products using Arduino, NodeMCU, ESP8266 and Raspberry Pi. These IoT devices were used to bring intelligence and autonomy to systems and processes, such as home automation.

Detection of Glaucoma

Using multiple methods and algorithms, our idea is to identify Glaucoma using fundus images.

Data Analytics and Visualizations

Analyze and visualize football using data.


⇒ R Programming Language
⇒ Python Programming Language
⇒ Data Analytics
⇒ Data Visualizations with R and Python
⇒ Structured Query Language
⇒ Arduino
⇒ Raspberry Pi